A Couple of Realisations

Dinner at SSC on a Saturday night. Mom just returned from Krabi looking really weary and it occurred to me we should all go on a trip to somewhere pretty and relaxing the next time we do get to leave SG. It's not the money-  it's the company that truly matters.

My neighbourhood spots the most awesome individuals

I wonder what went through the minds of those who decide to put the smoking area sign behind the non smoking   one. Definitely not the logic of diffusion or the concept of Brownian Motion.
(No offense, but I still don't get why smokers can dine and smoke at the same time)

Framing at work: at first glance I thought that was the power of "Buy 1 Get 1
Free" at work  - it turns out that this section's gonna get closed for renovations. 

Rainy day in Sing.

FTF communication is still the best

A couple of realisations today:
  • Singapore is full of ironies, beautiful ones, ridiculous ones, many idiosyncrasies of a Singaporean's life can be so fascinating. 
  • I may be leaving this island someday - at least, for a while. And I may get homesick even though I'm convinced I'm quite sick of life here (sometimes) - because ultimately this place shaped who I am today. (A cultural baggage filled with black and red; sweet and sour apples)
  • Life is so transient it's worth the embarrassment and stares the moment you decide to whip out that camera to take a shot of its passing.
  • Social media can actually make people get pretty sick of you. (The logic of information overload)
  • Why didn't I think of becoming a photojournalist?
  • Sometimes, it's good to be alone - a loner is not necessary lonely. But these days I do get pretty lonely at times. One can have lots of friends yet still be lonely if you are a HSP who prefers deeper connection with people. (don't even think of counting, I mentioned (a)lone-(ly)  5x)
  • Too many hi-bye friends in uni only makes me cherish the time I have with people that matter.
***If you are someone I know, trust me I won't freak out if you tell me you read my blog because it's worse if you pretend that you didn't --- I kind of miss the days with no social surveillance.*** 
(a prove of what a CNM major thinks of when she blogs, and post on every social media because the media are no longer transparent anymore.)

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